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Parallel Events Programme

- Monday 26 September 2022, 17:00 – 18:30 -

PV Everywhere: Integrated Photovoltaics in Building and Transport Sectors (IEA PVPS Task 15 & Task 17)

Jointly organised with IEA PVPS Task 15 & Task 17

IEA PVPS Tasks are working to accelerate the penetration of integrated PV in buildings and transport systems, which are both critical sectors for the global renewable energy market. Task 15 will present recent results on Technological Innovation System for BIPV in different countries and cross-sectional analysis based on well-defined multifunctional evaluation of BIPV to facilitate and support the implementation of BIPV in buildings. Task 17 will present recent scientific results on vehicle-integrated PV and PV charging station infrastructure focusing on requirements, barriers, benefits and solutions to increase PV contribution to energy and environmental issues.


Speakers :

  • Michiel van Noord, RISE, Sweden  / IEA PVPS Task 15 Sub-task A leader
  • Gabriele Eder, OFI, Austria / IEA PVPS Task 15 Sub-task B leader
  • Keiichi KOMOTO, Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd., Japan / IEA PVPS Task 17 Manager
  • Manuela SECHILARIU, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France / IEA PVPS Task 17 Manager


IEA PVPS Task 15

-   Challenges for market development of building-integrated PV (Michiel van Noord)
This presentation will address common challenges for BIPV market development and innovation as well as some specific examples from Spain, Sweden, Australia, Austria or Italy. Presented work will be based on (preliminary) findings from analyses of the Technological Innovation Systems (TIS) for BIPV in the mentioned countries.

-    Cross sectional Analysis of BIPV-Installations (Gabriele Eder)
A new approach to describing the economic, energy-relevant, environmental and visual performance of BIPV projects is presented. After defining the (i) 4-6 most relevant performance indicators in each of these categories, as well as (ii) the relevant technical parameters of the BIPV modules and of site-specific data of the installation location, an evaluation of real occupied BIPV installations is carried out.

IEA PVPS Task 17

-   Vehicle-integrated PV (Keiichi KOMOTO)
The presentation focuses on recent trends in PV-powered vehicles including PV technologies, expected benefits of PV-powered vehicles, estimated solar irradiance on vehicles, and also addresses issues on expected benefits from users’ and stakeholders’ viewpoints, in addition to energy and environmental aspects.

-   PV-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Manuela SECHILARIU)
The presentation focuses on PV-based charging stations including stationary storage and public grid connection, as power source backups, investigates the conditions under which the PV energy benefits can grow, and highlights the end-user behavior regarding the EV charging and the required business model able to influence consumer behavior through charging pricing.

This information will be updated constantly.