Cooperation with Publishing Journals
Progress in Photovoltaics

In 2022, Progress in Photovoltaics proudly partners with the WCPEC-8. Through the partnership, selected research papers from the event will be published in Progress in Photovoltaics, the high impact, renowned international journal, that offers a forum for reporting advances in this rapidly developing technology, aiming to reach all interested professionals, researchers and energy policy-makers.
- Hybrid publication: (Hybrid open access refers to a publishing model in which subscription-based journals allow authors to make individual articles gold open access immediately on payment of an article publication charge)
- Publishing under subscription-based: Free of charge
- Open access publication: Under payment of the APC (Article Publication Charges). To see the fees, waivers and discounts, please visit:
- Indexed among others in INSPEC (IET), SCOPUS (Elsevier) and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
Special Features
You can find the fully edited and typesetted articles here:
Solar RRL

This high impact journal aims to publish top-quality Rapid Research Letters, Full Papers, Review Articles, and Progress Reports related to all aspects of solar energy conversion.
- Impact factor 8.582
- Hybrid publication: (Hybrid open access refers to a publishing model in which subscription-based journals allow authors to make individual articles gold open access immediately on payment of an article publication charge)
- Publishing under subscription-based: Free of charge
- Open access publication: Under payment of the APC (Article Publication Charges). To see the fees, waivers and discounts, please visit:
- Rapid Research Letters, Full Papers, Review Articles and Progress Reports
- Indexed among others in INSPEC (IET), SCOPUS (Elsevier) and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
Special Features
EPJ Photovoltaics (EDP Sciences)

This relatively new Open Access Journal publishes original, peer-reviewed papers focused in the field of photovoltaic solar energy conversion. It is a fast, low cost journal, growing bigger each year.
- Open Access all electronic journal
- APC (Article Publication Charges) per published article are waived as part of the agreement with the EU PVSEC
- Rapid publication
- Indexed among others in INSPEC (IET) and SCOPUS (Elsevier)
Special Features
The WCPEC-8 Scientific Committee will select a number of abstracts that will be invited to be peer reviewed for potential publication by the above mentioned journals. This publication will be in addition to the publication in the Conference Proceedings of the WCPEC-8, so selected authors submit papers both to the journal and to the WCPEC which must be substantially different.
If you would like your abstract to be considered for inclusion in the Journal Publication/Peer Review Process, please select the corresponding fields in the User Area during submission. Please note that if selected, a full paper will need to be supplied well in advance of the conference. Kindly also note that only abstracts with a minimum of 3-4 pages are eligible.
The procedure is currently scheduled as follows:
- 4 February 2022:
Deadline for Submission of abstracts to the WCPEC-8. - End-April 2022:
Notification of acceptance and invitation to the Peer Review Process/Journal publication. - 30 June 2022:
Deadline for Submission of the Final Paper to the journal of your choice for Peer Review - From July 2022:
Notification of Authors by the journal - Aug. / Sept. 2022:
Revision Deadline (if required) - October 2022:
Target Date for Final Approved Manuscripts accepted online
Publication of papers in the Conference Proceedings and in the journals is scheduled soon after the WCPEC-8.
For more information about the journals please visit: