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Meet the people behind the Committees

WCPEC-8 Committees

International Advisory Committee to the WCPEC (IAC) Chairs

36 ordinary members representing the 39th EU PVSEC, Asia/Pacific PVSEC-32 and IEEE PVSC-51 (12 each).
Members represent the global photovoltaic community for the purpose of holding the WCPEC-8. 

Heinz Ossenbrink

Masafumi Yamaguchi

Steven Ringel

The World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion comes again to Europe.

Message from the IAC

It took only a few decades that Photovoltaic Solar Energy developed into a mainstream energy technology. More than 150 nations have now chosen to use conversion of sunlight as an electricity source, and in more than 80 countries research is pursued on all facets of this young outcome of semiconductor optoelectronics.

It is due to the dedication of a few individuals when in 1994 the very first of this conference series has been established, based on the vision that photovoltaic solar energy will be a global clean energy source and that it would be beneficial for all researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs to meet every four years in order to exchange and share knowledge across continents.

This vision is valid today, when we witness 1000 times more PV capacity installed. As the series of the World Conferences travelled around in the last 24 years, alternating the United States with Japan and Europe, also the global landscape has changed. The majority of PV modules are now produced in Asia and significant PV deployment is undertaken in South America, Middle East, India and South-East Asia. Moreover, PV energy is now delivering its promise to give electricity to those in need, it has become cost-competitive with conventional electricity sources and is everywhere considered as the most important cornerstone to combat climate change.

After 12 years the “WCPEC” makes again a stopover in Europe, where the PV Landscape meanwhile has changed as well. As PV connects people more than ever, with its global supply chain, its shared knowledge and its ability to provide a sustainable future for next generations, also the WCPEC will transform and embrace nations and people.

It is our wish to prepare the 8th WCPEC for a changing PV community, for a new generation of researchers and professionals, attracting younger and more diverse specialists and enthusiasts as well as attracting nations which haven’t been present before on this truly global event.

Heinz Ossenbrink        Masafumi Yamaguchi            Steven Ringel

On behalf of the
International Advisory Committee to the World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion